

See our rates for the services we provide

Visit our Recording Process Page for more information on each of the services priced below

10AM-7PM PST Every Day

Recording sessions, for either an individual or a group. For full day sessions, we operate from 10AM-7PM with a 30 minute break at 3:30PM.
Hourly Rate: $75 / hour
Day Rate: $500 / day
Video Shoot
For an additional setup fee of $200, you can include a video shoot during your recording session. Hourly recording costs still apply, even if you only require the video service. We also provide video editing services for recorded sessions at a rate of $75 / hour. If you decide to edit with us, $100 of the setup fee will be credited towards your editing costs. Visit our Gallery Page for sample video sessions.
Setup Fee: $200
Editing Rate: $75 / hour
After tracking, we begin the editing process. This often entails fixing wrong notes, adjusting timing, and tuning vocals and instruments to ensure they are consistently in tune throughout each song.
Hourly Rate: $75 / hour
After editing we begin the mixing process. This often entails adding processing such as equalization, compression, and adding reverb/delay to each instrument. Each part is also balanced to an appropriate level.
Hourly Rate: $75 / hour